Tag Archives: script status messages

Script Status Message queries!

If, like me, you spend more than your fair share of time searching through status messages to figure out what broke in the deployment over the weekend, then you’ll know what an arduous process it can be putting the criteria into each query. If you have a good few machines to check then you literally spend half your time typing in machine names and times.

Well no more, because did you know it is perfectly possibly to script this? Status Message Viewer (statview.exe) is simply an executable and with the right parameters and the correct time format applied, you can simply call the status messages from as many machines as you see fit (although I’d recommend you limit this to no more than 15-20 at a time).

One observation when running this against multiple machines is that you’ll notice some of the status messages won’t always contain as much info as you expect – simply refresh the status message and all info will display as expected.

Finally, create a text file containing a list of the machines you wish to take status messages from and use the path as a parameter along with the date from which you wish to obtain the messages, in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

Please note this script assumes you have installed the ConfigMgr admin console on the machine on which you run the script, and in the default location. If you have installed it elsewhere please change statview.exe path accordingly.

If($date -eq "" -or $path -eq "") 
     Write-Host "File path and date must be supplied as a parameters.
     -path C:\Temp\Computers.txt
     -date 2021-04-09"
$command = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Configuration Manager\AdminConsole\bin\i386\statview.exe"
$siteServer = "SCCMSiteSvr.contoso.com"
$startDate = Get-Date -Format "yyyyMMddHH:mmm.000" -Date $date
$Computers = Get-Content $path
foreach($compName in $Computers)
    $commandArgs = "/SMS:Server=\\$siteServer\ /SMS:SYSTEM=$compName /SMS:COMPONENT=Task Sequence Engine /SMS:COMPONENT=Task Sequence Action /SMS:SEVERITY=ERROR /SMS:SEVERITY=WARNING /SMS:SEVERITY=INFORMATION /SMSSTARTTIME=$startDate"
    & "$command" $commandArgs