Tag Archives: Office365

OneDrive needs your attention. Onedrive can’t sync now please try again later.

I recently had this while uploading thousands of photographs to my ODfB account. Essentially, you’ll set it syncing (perhaps overnight) and then come to it in the morning and you’re presented with the error message, “OneDrive can’t sync now, please try again later”.

I tried resetting the app (onedrive.exe /reset), re-starting, reinstalling, nothing worked. Turns out, there is a limit to how much data you can upload per day.

The Solution

The setting you want lives in the ClientPolicy.ini :

For ‘standard’ (personal) OneDrive, go to: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\OneDrive\settings\Personal\ClientPolicy.ini.

For OneDrive For Business (ODfB) OneDrive, go to: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\OneDrive\settings\Business1\ClientPolicy.ini.

Please note, depending on your OneDrive setup and number of accounts, the Personal/Business folder name may change.

Open the ini file in notepad and change MaxClientMBTransferredPerDay from its current value to something higher. I found that I needed to change this value to 50000000 in my case. It appears that simply setting it to ‘0’ doesn’t work for infinite, either.

One other observation: occasionally, I noticed OneDrive would appear to change this value back to what it was and fail again. Just repeat the procedure above and it will carry on.

Hope this helps.

Unable to license Office 365 ProPlus

I don’t know quite how widespread this issue is but it’s something I have had some trouble with on and off since I updated my OS to Server 2019 last year. That said, I’m not saying this is an issue limited to this OS; indeed I have seen it on other OS’s too.

The issue is this : Word will ask you to sign in and after entering your email address, it will freeze for 5 minutes before returning you to the (unlicensed) state you were previously in. Similar with Outlook – you enter your email address and the white password box appears but appear blank and freezes for 5 mins before returning you to the previous (unlicensed) state.

There are a number of things that you might try (including full uninstall/reinstall in desperate cases) but I’ll show you a couple of things you should try before doing this (or calling Microsoft, as they will ask you to do this too, more likely than not).

First – Remove previous license information

  1. Open C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office16
  2. From a cmd prompt, type cscript .\OSPP.VBS /dstatus
  3. This will give you a list of previous license keys used. Remove all these using cscript ospp.vbs /unpkey:<5 digit code>

Second – (if the above doesn’t work) Disable Modern Authentication.

Open up regedit and navigate to the following key:


Add a new DWORD value called EnableADAL with a value of 0.

Open up Outlook and it should now present you with a password window you can actually use. Word/Excel etc should open up as expected.

For a little more info on Modern Authentication in Office 365 see here.

Failed to download file- “http://officecdn.microsoft.com/xxx/xxx.cab” from internet. Using proxyserver – 0. Error = 12029

This one caught me out recently. Scenario:

All http://officecdn.microsoft.com is whitelisted and available, definitely no issue there.

  • All other updates seem to come down fine.
  • There are no ADR rules at all in place.
  • Running a full sync produces the error below:

My client downloads updates through a proxy server and naturally the correct details for the proxy were in place on the Site System Settings under Site System Roles. Also the checkbox for Use a proxy server when synchronizing software updates was checked under the Proxy And Account Settings tab under the Software Update Point Properties role.


Despite the fact that ADRs were NOT created or used in any way, it transpired that the checkbox Use a proxy server when downloading content by using automatic deployment rules also had to be checked. Once this was selected, O365 updates started syncing.